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Our CSB Approved by NZ Government

Our CSB Approved by NZ Government

According to Gartner, Cloud service brokerage makes it easier, safer and more productive for companies to navigate, integrate, consume, extend and maintain Cloud services, particularly when they span multiple, diverse Cloud services providers.

The more complex a supply chain becomes and brokers place themselves as one element in that chain the more opaque the value chain becomes. Each level must be sure of the quality of other service providers. There is an inherent risk; if one element breaks down or fails to supply, the whole chain is in danger of collapse. The complex supply chain, then, could increase risk rather than decreasing it.

James Foster, chief technology strategist at SAS Australia, makes the point that, as far as he is concerned, it is the one-on-one relationship between the supplier and the customer which is vital. If brokers withdraw from the day-to-day activities of the Cloud-customer relationship once a deal is struck, including implementation, the CIO is back to dealing with a range of suppliers individually.

Nexright offers a comprehensive set of services to help enterprises integrate cloud and on-premise applications. Key elements include:

  • Integration Assessment and Strategy: Aimed at assessing the current integration landscape, identifying future needs and developing a future state integration architecture.
  • Integration Development: Deployment services for cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground integration including development of integration templates, error and exception handling and integration testing.
  • Cloud Integration Management: Ongoing management of integration/business process management platform, including enhancements, maintetancement and sustained engineering services as part of a monthly contract.
  • Leverage our Cloud Service Brokerage: Ready to go design patterns and solutions accelerators to fast track building of hybrid integration solutions


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